PEARC17 Student Program scholars whose participation was supported by Google, Micron Foundation and the Science Gateways Community Institute.
Student cohort, and the sponsors who made it possible:
Sixty-six students from dozens of U.S. colleges and universities attended the Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC17) conference in July, 2017. Twenty students were partially supported by their institutions (an average of $450). Generous donations to STEM-Trek Nonprofit from Google, Micron Foundation and the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) made it possible for another 46 students to participate.
PEARC17 Student Program Committee:
The PEARC17 Student Program was chaired by Alana Romanella (Virginia Tech), with committee members: Kate Cahill (Oklahoma State University); Peter Enstrom (NCSA); Ricardo Gonzalez (University of Puerto Rico/Mayagüez); Elizabeth Leake (STEM-Trek); Melissa Romanus (Rutgers); Semir Sarajilik (Georgia State University); and Ester Soriano (NCSA).
Media coverage:
All links were promoted via STEM-Trek and PEARC17 General Conference social media channels.
STEM-Trek, Feb. 17, 2017: Initial PEARC17 Student Program Announcement, by Elizabeth Leake
STEM-Trek, April 3, 2017: Google Expands PEARC17 Student Program, by Elizabeth Leake
HPCwire, April 4, 2017: Google Provides Platinum-Level Support for PEARC17 via STEM-Trek, by Elizabeth Leake
Science Node, April 12, 2017: Google Invests in STEM-Trek Diversity (PEARC17), by Elizabeth Leake
STEM-Trek, June 6, 2017: Micron Foundation Supports PEARC17 Student Program, by Elizabeth Leake
HPCwire, June 7, 2017: Micron Foundation Supports STEM-Trek and the PEARC17 Student Program, by Elizabeth Leake
STEM-Trek, June 23, 2017: PEARC17 Student Program Plans for Diverse Cohort of 66, by Elizabeth Leake
HPCwire, June 24, 2017: PEARC17 Student Program Plans for Diverse Cohort of 66, by Elizabeth Leake
STEM-Trek, July 10, 2017: PEARC17 Launched Today! by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
STEM-Trek, July 11, 2017: Travel and Day One of PEARC17 by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
STEM-Trek, July 12, 2017: PEARC17 Student Program Day Two–Malaria Modeling and Posters, by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
STEM-Trek, July 14, 2017: PEARC17 Student Program Day Three, Awards and Awakening by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
PEARC17 Student Spotlights:
Science Gateways Community Institute, SGCI PEARC17 Student Program Attendee Testimonials and videos.
STEM-Trek, July 13, 2017: Scholar Profile: Laura Nichols (Austin Peay State University), by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
STEM-Trek, July 15, 2017: Sneha Tilak’s Head is in the Cloud at PEARC17, by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
STEM-Trek, July 21, 2017: Dancing Across Disciplines; David Ojika’s PEARC17 Experience, by Bobby Hollingsworth (Harvard)
STEM-Trek, July 24, 2017: Paz Says Communication is Key: PEARC17 Student Program Epiphanies, by David Paz (SDSC/MIT)