3 January 2019
Dear Elizabeth.
I would like to call 2018 as the most remarkable year of my life, professionally, and a colossal acknowledgement goes to you, STEM-Trek, Colleen Sheedy (International Supercomputing Conference, ISC), Julian Kunkel (University of Reading), and others who helped make my June 2018 trip to Frankfurt and the ISC possible. You introduced me to a whole new world; in fact, the experience expanded me so much that I was unable to fit back into my former life upon returning to Nepal!
After ISC, my newfound thirst for learning became intense, which led me to pursue and win a scholarship to attend a technical conference in Shanghai, China in November. Then, on 29 December, I presented a paper at a National Students’ Conference on IT in Kathmandu, Nepal, where I had the opportunity to talk about high-performance computing (HPC). For this highly-recognized effort, I was awarded a “Token of Love.” My teachers and fellow students now know what ISC can provide and I’m sure HPC will soon become inevitable in our corner of the Earth. As you may recall, this was a part of “Pay-it-Forward” proposal in my ISC 2018’s application. I was extremely delighted to share what I had learnt from ISC and its succeeding events. I hope there will be additional opportunities for others from my nation to learn about HPC.
These are fond memories of my career’s beginnings that I wish to share with you. And, I would like to wish the best New Year to an amazing person. Thank you for everything!
Warmest Regards,
Raksha Roy
Nepal College of Information Technology
La la.. Sahi chha!! Happy New Year.. 🙂