PEARC22 – Timely and Informative

By Cesar Cardenas Ruiz (Virginia Tech)

Cesar Cardenas Ruiz (Virginia Tech)

PEARC22 in Boston was the first time I have attended a high-tech conference. I’m not a computer scientist or researcher – I’m in a different engineering field. However, I realized a long time ago that it is important and necessary to learn about data science and analytics. I have a strong interest in high performance computing (HPC), and significant experience with scientific simulation. I was eager to learn all that I could. 

I attended talks where I learned about recent and novel developments in the field. Industry representatives participated in the student program speed networking event. I spoke with a representative from a national laboratory about my PhD research, and we discussed lab …

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Boston Park Plaza – Cherry on Top of PEARC22

By Antorip Sahu (Virginia Tech)

Antorip Sahu (VT)

I was super-excited when I was selected as a student volunteer for PEARC22. Finally, I would be travelling to Boston! The cherry on top was our venue: the iconic Boston Park Plaza Hotel.

On July 10, there was a student program orientation session. We were given the necessary information for student volunteer duties and sessions that we were scheduled to attend. At the end of the orientation, we got a walking tour of the conference rooms in the hotel. I have to say that it was quite confusing to find one’s way through the labyrinthine architecture of the hotel. After this session, we …

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PEARC22 – Smooth Sailing!

By Dinuka De Silva (Indiana University)

Dinuka De Silva

I’m glad I received financial support to attend the PEARC22 conference through the student program. Being an international student from Sri Lanka, and having come for higher studies during the pandemic, it’s not easy to socialize and network with others. So, it was an exciting opportunity for me!

I’m glad I received financial support to attend the PEARC22 conference through the student program. Being an international student from Sri Lanka, and having come for higher studies during the pandemic, it’s not easy to socialize and network with others. So, it was an exciting opportunity for me!

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Marlon for encouraging me to …

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Praneeth’s Takeaways from PEARC22

By Praneeth Chityala (Indiana University)

I am currently pursuing master’s in computer science at Indiana University Bloomington. I was accepted to the Student Program at PEARC’22 conference. I received a STEM-Trek award and National Science Foundation support for the conference fee and lodging. Below is my experience at PEARC’22 as part of the student program.

To start with, it was my first ever in-person conference, and I could say that after attending the student program, I will definitely pursue these opportunities again in the future. I could break down the perks of student program into three major takeaways as described below:

Networking is something that I have enjoyed throughout the conference. There were networking events with co-students, organizers and corporate recruiters. I was able to meet a wide range of people from different backgrounds. I could learn and expand the length and breadth of my knowledge through interactions with many …

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No regrets for this first-timer @PEARC22!

By Janet Jiang (Trinity University), in the above photo with Elizabeth Leake (STEM-Trek/Boise State University).

For my first conference, I would say that I enjoyed every bit of the PEARC22 Student Program! It was my first time in Boston, first time to board an airplane alone, first time to ride on public transportation, and many more firsts. PEARC22 broadened my horizons in many new ways.

Granted, I had a steep learning curve once I arrived learning how to navigate airport shuttles and the train; generally feeling out of my element in a city that is quite different from my hometown. Nonetheless, even with COVID-19 precautions, this conference was completely enjoyable.

As an undergrad with little high-performance computing (HPC) experience, I didn’t know what to expect. I had been advised by mentors at my university to network, explore the wide range of computationally-intensive research that is presented at the conference, …

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PEARC22: How to Change Your Career in 4 days 

by Ruth Hammond, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

The best things a student can do for their career are (1) Connect with a dedicated mentor, (2) Learn how to network both vertically and horizontally, and (3) Expand your knowledge by learning new skills. At PEARC22, I had the amazing opportunity to do all three through the Student Program! 

I originally applied to the program because I had an interest in high-performance computing (HPC) but was unsure of how to pursue a career in the field. I was very nervous about attending the conference because I felt that my background was a bit untraditional – my major is Mechanical Engineering and my school, which is an excellent engineering institution, does not have many HPC resources due to its small size. 

However, the PEARC22 Student Program was very welcoming and encouraging toward students from non-traditional backgrounds. There were students from a variety of …

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PEARC22: Overwhelmed by Greatness!

By Anna Little, US Air Force Academy Cadet

Boston was the perfect setting for the Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC22) conference since it drew upon local industry and academia quite well. Riding the “T” was convenient; you could easily get from the Boston Park Plaza Hotel venue to various parts of the city in order to visit companies and campuses. I was grateful that even with all the opportunities the conference provided, I still had time to visit Kessel Run, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) campus to see the MIT Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accelerator. These experiences were especially valuable for an undergrad who is exploring grad options. Without the financial support I received to attend PEARC22, I doubt that I would have had this opportunity.

I was overwhelmed by the talent of students in my cohort. My undergraduate education had not exposed me to high …

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Bridging Horizons: NRG@SC23 & NCAR visit

By: Mphenduli “Oscar” Ntsizi (University of Fort Hare, South Africa)

On a chilly November day, the African HPC-Ecosystems team embarked on a transformative journey to the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. The experience was orchestrated by Elizabeth Leake (STEM-Trek), Daniel Howard (NCAR HPC Consultant) and Wenfu Tang (NCAR Project Scientist). The day unfolded with riveting presentations by several NCAR scientists which chronicled several initiatives to accelerate environmental sustainability in Africa.

The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), whose university-driven …

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STEM-Trek Year in Review 2022

Happy New Year, everyone! – Elizabeth Leake (STEM-Trek Founder and Director)

While volunteer work for STEM-Trek nourishes my soul, regular employment pays my bills. This year, I started my dream job that satisfies both! I joined Boise State University in January as Director of Research Computing Services where I lead a talented team of professionals who support a fascinating research portfolio. 

I drove to Boise from Iowa City in late May to find a new home and returned in late July with a U-Haul. I also drove to Boston for PEARC22, and Dallas for SC22. Among friends and frequent travelers in my network, many suspect that they caught COVID on planes, so I’ve been driving more than usual. Enterprise loves me!

Some speak of the pre- and post-covid eras as if it’s finished with us, but I remain gun-shy. In January 2020, I went into self-imposed lock-down after returning from …

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Whatever it takes – GET TO PEARC!

Carlie Oakenshield (Southwest Oklahoma State University)

I’m writing this two weeks since returning from PEARC22 and I still don’t have the words to describe the event properly, but I guess it’s time to try.

I landed in the world of high-performance computing (HPC) quite by accident. At my small university, SWOSU, we don’t have a true HPC department. However, we do have one professor who is passionate about making computers, specifically clusters, run as fast as possible. After having Dr. Jeremy Evert, the professor I just described, for two computer science classes, he alluded to the need of another student worker. I was conveniently looking for work and inquired further. The only description of HPC work I would be doing, was his statement, “I need a student who wants to make big computers talk, and FAST.” After being encouraged to do anything other than take him up on his offer, …

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